Kamis, 03 Maret 2016



Arranged by

R. Allial Sukma Kamandanu


Group J



In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, I  pray gratitude for the presence of Him, who has mercy, guidance, and The Inayah from him to me, so that I can complete this paper.

Not escape also, I would like to thank to the professors who had given his knowledge to me, so that I can work on this scientific work as well as possible. With the knowledge that he gave me to work on this paper smoothly.

I realize that this paper is not complete. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism from readers are needed for the completion of this paper.

                                                                                    Yogyakarta ,       February 2016


                                                                                                 Best regards


In everyday life we really took a lot of information. Information alone can be through various cara.Dalam technological developments that now, can certainly obtain information from any media. Wherever and whenever the information can be in small multi-function items, namely smartphones. It is the dominant of the smartphone is, the ability to acquire information and send information.
          One of them is through a blog which contains articles or news that was new. In usability Blog itself, can make money from the Google Adsense. To earn money from Google Adsense required great diligence in writing to earn a considerable profit.

One can get a blog that Google Adsense is Blogger. Bloggers can be accessed or owned by everyone because the blogger is free.Until now very many people who have Blogger.And in each of these Blogger own Google Adsense which get dollars from Google.

The more famous the blog, the more the dollar also gained.


1.        TITTLE PAGE....................................................................................................................... i
2.        PREFACE............................................................................................................................. ii
3.        ABSTRACK........................................................................................................................ iii
4.        CONTENTS LIST............................................................................................................... iv
5.        CHAPTER I........................................................................................................................... 5
A.    Background.................................................................................................... 5
B.     Problem Formulation...................................................................................... 5
C.     Objective........................................................................................................ 5
6.      CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................... 5
DISCUSSION..................................................................................................... 5
7.      CHAPTER III......................................................................................................................... 8
CLOSING........................................................................................................... 8
SUGGESTION.................................................................................................... 8
8.      BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................. 9


A.    Background
In these modern times, many people who use Blogger as a livelihood, they are sent or create an article that can be read by all those who need the information have in the article.
In the use Blogger, there is Google Adsense. This makes the authors have the money in the form of dollars coming from Google.
In this scientific work, will be explained because their Google Adsense and how to get dollars from Google Adsense.
B.     Problem Formulation
1. Who are the people who succeed in Blogger?
2. How do I earn money through Blogger?
C.     Objective
1. To know anyone who is successful in the use Blog
2. Knowing how to earn money through Blog


           In everyday life we need articles. From the source we can find in books, newspapers, and other two. But for the modern era, all of which relate to life must relate to technology. One example is when I read about a story or an article, we are more likely to use a smartphone or PC. It can be seen from the increase in the world's Internet users.

           In real life we ​​need news, latest update requires that we must accept that we did not miss the news or outdated. Nowadays, a lot of rapid development in Smartphone, this allows it to be read or find out the latest everything anywhere and anytime. All this is due to very rapid progress in the field of technology.

          There is an information media that give us the service to get an article or a news item. Blogger. Blogger gives us information of the author who wrote the blig. Along with the development of increasingly advanced technology, it is possible if the business will be very big potential in the future. With very little capital of course this can be done by anyone, if there is a strong desire to create a blog that anyone was going to be successful by using the Blog.
Below are some examples of successful people in the world become Blogger:

1. Agus Ramandhani
Is the owner www.o-om.com. A part time blogger who has been to pursue the activity of blogging since 2007 is still in existence and consistent. No wonder if the follower and subscriber of the blog is now mencaai 7 thousands. Not only blog that he o-om.com only manage, but also blog www.zoomtemplate.com. Earnings per month in the thousands of dollars

2. Cosa Aranda
Is the blog owner www.panduandasar.com. This man from Surabaya. As of this writing, the blog he runs already very well known and has been able to make money in the hundreds of millions of rupiah per month.

3. Linda Ikeji
Linda Ikeji could pocket more than USD $ 100,000 per month. That means if dirupiahkan Linda could get approximately 1.2 billion each month from his blog. It estimates only, so they may earn greater Linda. Income which is fantastic for a free blog.
From the above, it can be emulated the example of those who use blogger as sara seek their daily lives. With the Blogger, many people have income from Google.

Below is how to get money from blog

1. Commissions From Affiliate Marketing
Join in an affiliate program is one way to make money from blogs. It should be noted that our affiliate program should follow in accordance with the blog topic that we are building. For example a blog topic is about internet marketing, the affiliate program that we follow have to deal with this niche.
         That must be considered is the content in the blog that is built must have value and useful to the audience. The better your content, chances are greater the higher the sales conversion of the blog.

2. Offer Advertising space in Blog
A blog which has high traffic biasanyalebih potential success getting advertisers. That must be considered is the product or website that we're advertising must be tailored to the topics of the website / blog that we wake up. For example the topic of the website or internet marketing business opportunity, then the types of ads that you can receive is a product or a website related to the niche.

3. Sell your Blo
This is the last way that maybe we can choose to make money from blogs. It must be very hard to sell a blog that we have built with great difficulty, but if indeed there was no time or were not able memantain the blog.


The conclusion of this scientific work is, from the above examples of people who have been successful in developing a Blog, can be seen a considerable income but to achieve it all goes through the various steps. One of them is to register the blog into Google Adsense. Up to benefit from Google.


In developing a Blog, must endlessly send an article so that blog owned not left behind.


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